Top Ten List

1. Esque
27990 badges
2. RobandChris
25476 badges
3. pinopal4u
24930 badges
4. badlandsnd
23829 badges
5. zim4040
23078 badges
6. densbabe
21930 badges
7. ShinyHappyM
21483 badges
8. sariahdawn
21144 badges
9. sammiejas1
19874 badges
10. beechoucas
19639 badges

cgercken Pogo Badges Page

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Royal Duet Badge - Pinochle
Royal Duet Badge
May 17, 2005
Pinochle Intermediate Rating Badge - Pinochle
Pinochle Intermediate Rating Badge
May 13, 2005
Sunken Treasure Badge - Vaults Of Atlantis Slots
Sunken Treasure Badge
Vaults of Atlantis Slots
May 12, 2005
Five Sixes Badge - Dice Derby
Five Sixes Badge
Dice Derby
May 6, 2005
Tricks 'n Trumps Badge - Spades
Tricks 'n Trumps Badge
May 5, 2005
Zero Balloons Badge - Poppit!™
Zero Balloons Badge
May 1, 2005
Silver Idol Badge - Tri-Peaks Solitaire
Silver Idol Badge
Tri-Peaks Solitaire
Apr 28, 2005
Pandas Playing Poker Badge - Panda Pai Gow Poker
Pandas Playing Poker Badge
Panda Pai Gow Poker
Apr 27, 2005
Pool Party Badge - High Stakes Pool
Pool Party Badge
High Stakes Pool
Apr 22, 2005
Jungle Piranha Badge - Jungle Gin
Jungle Piranha Badge
Jungle Gin
Apr 22, 2005
Itsy Bitsy Spider Badge - Rainy Day Spider Solitaire
Itsy Bitsy Spider Badge
Rainy Day Spider Solitaire
Apr 21, 2005
Lots O' Butter Badge - Showbiz Slots
Lots o' Butter Badge
Showbiz Slots
Apr 14, 2005

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CrazyMan, Esque, Mak, House MD, MuffinMan, Jeanie, Borngrouchy, xfile7335, CynthiaDaire, MaxRaven